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Santander - Mediterranean Railway (Burgos - La Engaña Tunnel) Greenway Nature Trail

De camino hacia el mayor túnel de los antiguos ferrocarriles de España

This section, which runs through the Alfoz de Burgos regions, as well as the regions of La Bureba and Las Merindades, starts in the vicinity of the city of Burgos and heads north to the La Engaña Tunnel. The itinerary is a journey that seduces us with successive changes of landscape (cereal plain, gorges, hills, fertile plains, ravines and mountains), in a territory of small rural villages, many of which have undoubtable value, charm and a rich heritage.

Basic Facts

Icono longitud 115 Km
Icono posición Villarmero – Cidad Dosante via Quintanilla Vivar, Sotragero, Merindad de Río Ubierna, Carcedo de Bureba, Poza de la Sal, Salas de Bureba, Oña, Cillaperlata, Trespaderne, Merindad de Cuesta-Urria, Medina de Pomar, Villarcayo de Merindad de Castilla la Vieja and Merindad de Valdeporres. Burgos. Castile and León
Icono senderismo Trekkers, cyclists, suitable for people with reduced mobility
Icono terreno Compacted soil
Icono camino natural Santander-Mediterranean Railway (Burgos - Cascajares section) Greenway Nature; Route of El Cid and Camino de Santiago in Burgos
Icono túnel 10 tunnels, 21 bridges and viaducts
Icono inicio 42.391049, -3.713016
Icono tránsito 43.014233, -3.760465 (Cidad-Dosante)
Icono fin 43.052499, -3.73515 (La Engaña Tunnel)