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Santander – Mediterranean Railway (Campo de Daroca-Jiloca) Greenway Nature Trail

Pasing through the aragoneses' Daroca and Jiloca regions until it connects with the Ojos Negros Greenway.

From Murero to Ojos Negros in the provinces of Zaragoza and Teruel, along one of the iconic railways of the past: the Santander-Mediterranean Railway until its connection with the Ojos Negros Greenway.

Basic Facts

Icono longitud 69,85 Km
Icono posición Murero - Ojos Negros via Manchones, Daroca, Villanueva de Jiloca, San Martín del Río, Báguena, Burbáguena, Calamocha, Fuentes Claras, Caminreal, Torrijo del Campo and Monreal del Campo. Zaragoza - Teruel. Aragon
Icono senderismo Trekkers, cyclists, suitable for people with reduced mobility
Icono terreno Compacted soil
Icono camino natural Ojos Negros Greenway
Icono túnel 1 tunnel, several bridges and remains of the old railway (silos, cranes, etc.). Connection section –not a greenway– on roads outside the railway route to connect with the Ojos Negros Greenway
Icono inicio 41.170998, -1.505331
Icono fin 40.715017, -1.531665