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At the Spanish Railways Foundation we undertake various kinds of projects to continue promoting the transformation of old railway routes into greenways, to raise awareness regarding existing ones and to endeavour to make the most of these itineraries.

State Aid

Convocatoria de Ayudas públicas

One of the Spanish Railways Foundation?s new lines of work is the management of State aid provided by the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility.

We are currently working on the following:

National projects for improving the country experience

"Experience Spanish Greenways" project chosen as the second best in the second round of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism?s Spanish Tourism Experiences Programme. This project is aimed at improving the "Spanish Greenways" country experience for the development of this sustainable tourism product featuring old disused railway lines transformed into non-motorized itineraries. This involves the creation of a group made up of ten entities, led by the Spanish Railways Foundation. An excellent scheme and an opportunity to transform and improve the competitiveness of this valuable railway heritage centred on Greenways at the service of a new greener, more digital and more inclusive tourism demand.

Link to Experience Spanish Greenways >>

Experimenta Vías Verdes

Technical and engineering Greenway projects

We are one of the entities with the most experience in drafting Greenway studies and projects in Spain.

Since 1993, the Engineering Section Spanish Railways Foundation's Greenways Management has prepared:

  • More than fifty Feasibility Studies, Identification Studies and Preliminary Plans,
  • Almost 80 Construction Projects for transforming disused railway lines into Greenways.
If you are looking for advice or need to commission a technical project, count on us!

Sección tipo VVerdes

And if you are already working on your Greenway project, here you can download the “Technical Signage Manual” so that you can implement it in your Greenway project.

Railway heritage preservation projects on Greenways

Proyectos de preservación del patrimonio ferroviario

In addition to the routes, bridges, viaducts, tunnels and everything else related to railway lines, we also work on studies to identify valuable railway elements with a view to their conservation and promotion.

Kilometre stones, railway signals, buffers, water supplies, switch changes and other unique elements of the old railways that deserve to be recovered, cared for and preserved in the surroundings of Greenways.

The Commission for the Promotion of Railway Historical-Cultural Heritage makes this possible. The Spanish Railways Foundation?s Greenways Management is part of this active Commission.

More Info >>

European cooperation projects

Greenways have been participating in different European projects for almost two decades:

We love this collaborative work with other administrations and entities in Europe, including the European Greenways Association, in which we hold the position of General Secretary.

We have a great deal of experience in European projects, so we are willing to be partners in new consortia and partnerships. Contact us!

Greenways promotion and digitalisation projects

Since 1993 we have undertaken a large number of dissemination projects, campaigns, tourism revitalization plans, inventories, promotion plans in destinations, projects with the support of the Biodiversity Foundation and other entities.

The following are some of the most recent or interesting ones:

  • Greenways and the Natura 2000 Network.
  • Digitalisation of Greenways

    We are working on appealing projects for the digitalisation of greenway routes with 360º recording in the form of a virtual tour. This features thousands of 360º spherical photos of both the itineraries and outstanding points of interest along the way, especially old railway stations with new tourist uses.

    In this way, these Greenways are published and included in the Google Maps Street View platform and in Google Earth, just a click away on our mobile phone or tablet.

    Here are some examples so that you can travel by means of your device... and then come to experience the Greenways in real life.

    And if you are a manager or promoter of greenways or destinations, ask us about how to obtain your digital Greenway.

    Plazaola Digital
    This is a comprehensive project to digitise the Plazaola Greenway between Navarre and the Basque Country. 68 km from Sarasa (Navarre) and Andoain (Gipuzkoa) in 360º and more than 82,000 photographs to travel and learn about this sensational route by means of Google Maps Street View, as well as appealing exhibitions on Google Arts & Culture.

    Digital Montes de Hierro Greenway
    Access by means of Google Earth

    Digital Tajuña Greenway
    Access by means of Google Earth

    Digital 40 Days Train Greenway
    Access by means of Google Earth

    Guadarrama Greenway
    Access by means of Google Earth
    Virtual Exhibition of the Madrid Region?s Greenways
    Access by means of Google Arts & Culture
  • Navarre Greenways Microsite.
  • Ciclamadrid and Madrid Region Greenways.