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Sierra Greenway Nature Trail

Route Description

This greenway was one of the first actions of the Greenways Program in Spain. Many initiatives have been undertaken over the last few years to upgrade it. The stations of Puerto Serrano, Coripe and Olvera have been rehabilitated to provide accommodation and restaurant services. Zaframagón Station is open to the public as a bird observatory and a Sierra Greenway interpretation centre has been built next to Olvera Station.

Puerto Serrano: Welcome to the Sierra Greenway!

Puerto Serrano. INicio de la rutaThe route begins at the old station of Puerto Serrano, rehabilitated as an accommodation and restaurant establishment (it features 8 bungalows and a swimming pool), which rises up on top of a cliff overlooking the Guadalete Valley. Next to this complex is the headquarters of the Sierra Greenway Foundation, the entity that manages this route, located in the station’s old guard house. From here, the greenway makes it clear which way we have to go, and, in a natural way, leads us to the first (and last) deviation from the railway’s original route.

The long tunnel of El Indiano could not be upgraded as part of the greenway. Numerous cave ins postponed its reopening, so the greenway follows a short, alternative route that crosses El Indiano estate (km 3.5). After the detour, we enter the first of a long series of tunnels that dot this route.

Our journey continues through the area called Los Llanos de la Reyerta. The Guadalete, whose etymology evokes tragic times –"river of the dead"– was a border in the first Muslim advance in the Iberian Peninsula. Downstream was where the famous battle between Tarik's and Don Rodrigo's forces took place –we all know how that ended.

This flat place features the first of a series of waterwheels that harnessed the energy of the Guadalete’s mighty (at certain times of the year) waters. Like these, the terrain becomes turbulent and fierce, featuring huge rocky masses emerging from the subsoil. The river has been relentless with the rock and, little by little, has carved a steep canyon, which its abundant rapids flow through.

At km 5.9, we cross the Azares Stream over the first of the greenway’s four large viaducts. These spectacular masonry structures, along with the numerous tunnels, enable us to journey on without having to go around the natural obstacles, smoothly overcoming, without losing height, the surprises along the way.

Junta de los Ríos

La Junta de los RíosOn coming out of the Los Azares Tunnel, the greenway "hangs” over the river on a surprising balcony, followed by another tunnel –a curved one in this case– that is almost 500 metres long. This long gallery will be the first one with lighting that we will come across. Wonders of technology: the lights turn on automatically as we pass by.

In any case, it is advisable to bring a flashlight. On coming out of the tunnel, the valley opens up where the waters of the Guadalete receive those of the Guadalporcún: we are in the area known as Junta de los Ríos (km 9). This place features a small car park for those who want to start the route here.

At Junta de los Ríos, the route and Guadalete separate, with the railway twinning with the Guadalporcún River. In this new section, the railway route follows the curves of the Baetic mountains’ difficult relief. Here it was again necessary to resort to concrete to cross, on a beautiful viaduct, the Gillette Stream (km 12.3). The odd mountain also had to be "emptied." In this regard, it is worth highlighting the route’s longest tunnel (990 metres), which crosses the Cerro del Castillo at its base. On coming out of the tunnel, and crossing the Guadalporcún on a long viaduct, at km 14.5 we arrive at Coripe Station, which is another recommended place for accessing the greenway. However, first of all it is worth visiting the Chaparro de la Vega, a centuries-old holm oak declared a Natural Monument. A place not to be missed. This station has been rehabilitated as a rural accommodation and restaurant establishment. Accessible accommodation and adapted public services with toilets and showers have been built opposite this building.

Alone with the Guadalporcún

A solas con el GuadalporcúnFrom here to Zaframagón, we will go through five more tunnels. Nature continues to assert its power around the greenway. Neither roads nor villages disturb the placidity and harmony of a landscape in which the only background sound is provided by birds and cicadas. At km 20.5, Zaframagón Station appears in front of our eyes. The building, which has been rehabilitated from its dilapidated condition, houses an "Ornithological Observatory and Interpretation Centre."
Its attractions feature a vulture-nest video surveillance system. A highly sensitive digital camera, with 360° rotation, enables us to see in real time how griffon vultures fly, come back to their nests and feed their young. This station is the prelude to the greenway’s "star spot": Peñón de Zaframagón, where one of Europe’s largest vulture colonies is located.

A few metres from the interpretation centre is the building of the station’s old warehouse. It is now fully accessible, having been rehabilitated as a visitor reception centre. It also houses a small greenway souvenir shop and a canteen, where you can stock up on snacks and drinks before continuing your journey.

The crag’s western flank has been sliced by the waters of the Guadalporcún, which have carved out a narrow passage, called "el estrechón." We cross these waters at a height of a dozen metres thanks to the elegant Zaframagón Viaduct, which gracefully flies over the river. In this section, we have to go through the foot of the crag via another long tunnel (700 metres) with lighting.

Next stations with stops: Navalagrulla and Olvera

n the other side there is a landscape of meadows, with the angular profiles of the Sierra de Líjar mountains in the distance. Livestock farms line the surroundings of the track, which gradually gains height towards Navalagulla Station, located at km 27.3 and ready to be assigned new uses. We have to go through 3 more tunnels before reaching this lonely station. We enter the greenway’s last section on the hill that separates the basins of the Guadalporcún and Guadamanil Rivers. Between these so-called "guadas", the route continues through a gently undulating landscape, crossing six more tunnels, where our road crosses an old livestock trail walled the Colada de Morón (km 32). From here the imposing Olvera Station is only three kilometres away, a short distance in which the elements conspired against the railway structure, which was almost erased from the face of the earth. Some tunnels remained, four of which were used by the new greenway. Between the galleries, the new route sticks to the slopes in a winding route that finally reaches the platforms of Olvera Station.

The station building, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful of this entire railway, houses a complex that includes seven rooms, four bungalows in the shape of a train carriage, a swimming pool and regulated parking for camping vehicles.

Next to this complex, there is the Sierra Greenway Interpretation Centre, which provides information about the Sierra Greenway and its villages in an entertaining and interactive way, enabling you to enjoy the sensations conveyed by a 4D screening of the route. A great finishing touch! Don't miss it.

Próximas estaciones con parada: Navalagrulla y Olvera

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