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Greenway Nature Trail of the Renaissance (Sierra de Alcaraz)

Practical information

Vía Verde del FC Baeza-Utiel. Sierra de Alcaraz - Datos prácticosOld railway stations with tourist services
Robledo station
Rural accommodation
Tel. 637 49 28 47 / 677 41 31 51
Management entities
Albacete Provincial Council
Tel. 967 595 300
Bike hire, guides and transfer services
Tel. 619 761 164 / 665 924 501 
Tel. 967 233 867
Bike Fauna
Tel. 967 509 441
In addition, the rural houses of El Charquillo, Finca el Arroyo, Bracamonte and Finca & SPA Vereda Real offer hiking and mountain biking routes, bike rental and other services.

* This Greenway Nature Trail has been implemented within the framework of the Nature Trails Programme of the Ministry of Environment and through the Don Quixote Route of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha.

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// Carrusel Patrocinadores (Owl Carousel library)